Mission Results: Round 5

In this round you were given two blanked out phrases.  Both were movies from IMDBs top 250 again, but I didn't tell you that because I didn't want to make it too easy.  The first round was free, but after that it cost you money.  In Buy a Letter, you earned $60,000, and in Buy a Blank you earned $80,000.

Mission 9: Phrase: Raiders of the Lost Ark

-a--e-s o- the -ost a--.

Round 1:

1) Toby: T
2) Mike: Y
3) Christian: E
4) Sabine: W

Round 2:

5) Mike: H
6) Sabine: A
7) Toby: O
8) Christian: S

Round 3:

9) Toby: Solved

Mission 10: Buy a Blank:  Phrase: Singin in the Rain

-----n -n -h- ra-n.

Round 1:

1) Toby: First letter of last word.
2) Mike: Last letter of last word.
3) Christian: Second letter in third word
4) Sabine: Second letter of second word.

Round 2:

1) Mike: Second letter of last word.
2) Sabine: Last letter of first word.

3) Toby: Solved
















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